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Where do you ship your products?We are happy to say we have expanded our shipping base! Our shipping to the United States now includes Hawaii and Alaska. We also ship to the Netherlands, or as we like to call it, our "Motherland"!
What service do you use for shipping your products?For non-bulk items, we ship via USPS Priority Mail or UPS. For bulk items like 5-gallon buckets of honey, we will shop for the best rate which is typically UPS.
Do items in the "Bulk" Category qualify for free shipping?"YES! Our bulk items already have shipping built into the price.
Do I need to enter a code to get free shipping?NOPE! We try to make our check-out as simple as possible. No codes, just make sure your cart total is over the threshold and voila! Free shipping!
Is your honey pasteurized?Short answer: No!!!!! We gently warm the honey and coarsly strain it to remove bee parts, dirt and other impurities but leave the pollen and other good stuff in tact.
What is "RAW" honey?"By industry "standards", to be considered RAW, honey cannot be pasteurized (heated in excess of 145 degrees F) and it must retain the pollen, minerals, yeasts and other naturally occurring compounds found in honey. I say "standards" in quotations because for the life of me, I cannot find anything on the governing websites (NHB, USDA, FDA, etc.) that speaks to an official definition of raw honey. While there are varying opinions on exact temperature and straining methods within the aforementioned parameters, most beekeepers strain their honey to remove larger, more visible particles such as dirt, bee parts and other common debris found within the hive.
My honey is getting "sugary" on the bottom. Is it bad?"This "sugaring" is called crystalization, and it naturally occurs with raw honey. The best method for re-liquifying your honey is to place your container in a bowl of hot tap water. To slow the crystalization process, store your honey at or above room temp, or in the freezer. Note: If stored in the freezer, allow the honey to warm back up to room temperature before using. Never place honey in the microwave, especially in a plastic container.
Why shouldn't infants eat raw honey?Short version: The immune system of infants under 12 months - more specifically under 6 months - are still developing. This makes them more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections, including the extremely rare Infant Botulism. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, babies affected by this illness typically make a full recovery. Due to the natural presence of "C. botulinum" in the environment, it is possible for the bacteria or its spores to be found in honey. While the acidity of honey will not allow the bacteria to grow or germinate, it cannot killit. To kill the bacteria would require heating (pasteurizing) the honey above 176 degrees farenheit for an extended period of time. Therefore, raw honey, being unpasteurized, presents a risk to young infants and should be avoided. Longer explanation: "Clostridium botulinum" is a bacteria that produces spores which exist in soil and water throughout the world, typically in dormant or inactive form. Humans can unknowingly ingest these spores in dirt and dust particles and not get sick because our immune system and gut flora typically prevent the spores from growing and germinating in our bodies. In an oxygen-deprived environment (like inside our body or canned foods) the germination of the spores produces poisonous toxins that affect our nervous and respiratory systems, ultimately leading to a very serious illness known as Botulism. According to the Center for Disease Control, there are five types of Botulism - Infant, Foodborne, Wound, Adult Intestinal Toxemia, and Iatrogenic Botulism. The latter 4 types most commonly affect adults. In the instance of Infant Botulism and Adult Intestinal Toxemia, the ingested spore(s) are able to grow (colonize) and germinate inside the large intestine, releasing the toxins which are absorbed and begin attacking the body's central neurological and respiratory systems. Foodborne Botulism, on the other hand, occurs when the toxins are ingested. It is most commonly caused by improperly processed home-canned or fermented fruits, meats and vegetables. Note: The last two are the least common - Wound and Iatrogenic Botulism. Both occur when spores or toxins enter the body through an injury or opening in the skin and continue to grow and produce additional toxin. History As far as recorded history is concerned, the oldest documented description of symptoms involved foodborne cases. One was found in Germany around 1820 and was linked to contaminated sausage. At the turn of the 20th century, a Belgian professor discovered "Clostridium botulinum" as the pathogen responsible. Still, it is suspected that Botulism went untreated or mis-diagnosed for years. Between 1974 and 1976, doctors in both Pennsylvania and California published findings in infant cases describing symptoms but not yet linking them to a cause. Later in California in 1976 the etiology for Infant Botulism was finally established, and cases have been recorded and studied globally ever since. Stats in the US Statistics on the various forms of Botulism in the US are most reliable after 1975, with 2017 being the most recent year reporting (that I found at time of writing this). It is worth noting that while the total number of annual cases has declined to an average of 145, the ratio among the 5 types remain quite consistent. In the 35 years between 1975-2009, there were 3618 total cases of Botulism in the US including 109 associated deaths: Infant Botulism: 2352 cases (or 65% of total), with <1% (18) deaths. Foodborne Botulism: 854 cases (or 23.5% of total), with 7% (61) deaths. Wound Botulism: 359 cases (or 10% of total), with 5% (18) deaths. "Other" types: 53 cases (or 1.5% of total), with 23% (12) deaths. The number of infant deaths dropped considerably in the mid 1990's after the introduction of "Botulism Immune Globulin Human Intravenous (BIG-IV)" treatment. Honey-related Infant botulism cases dropped from almost 40% in the 70's to less than 15% in the 2000's, due largely in part to product labeling and public awareness efforts. Ways to prevent Botulism: Clean fruits, vegetables, and meats before canning. Thoroughly cook/boil to recommended temperatures. Keep cooked food separate from raw. Store food at recommended temperatures. Don't feed raw honey to infants under 12 months. Avoid recreational drugs. References: 1. World Health Organization on Botulism 2. Harvard Medical on Botulism 3. CDC on Botulism 4. CDC on Types of Botulism 5. Wikipedia on Honey 6. King's College London. "Immune system of newborn babies stronger than previously thought." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 21 September 2014. 7. American Family Physician on Infant Botulism 8. Eurasian Journal of Medicine on Botulism 9. NCBI Statistical Mortality Rate of Botulism 10. NCBI Historical notes on Botulism 11. Mayo Clinic on Botulism 12. CDC Botulism Surveillance
What's with the coffee cup in all the product pictures?No, it's not a "Where's Waldo" challenge in our shop. And although it is my FAVORITE coffee cup, I don't obsessively photo bomb with it. The actual reason is for size and perspective when comparing the bottles and jars we offer. My niece pointed out to me one day that the phrase "12, 16 or 32oz squeeze bottle" is lost on her without a visual aid. The "common-est" object I could come up with was a standard sized coffee mug. There's another picture using a tea bag for additional perspective.
Do beeswax candles burn clean?Yes! When I think "clean-burning", I picture the following characteristics: little or no soot no black smoke even wax pooling (no "tunneling") While the wax pooling has more to do with the proper wicking than the wax choice, BEESWAX meets ALL of these criteria, PLUS these extra bonus tidbits: longer burn time (depending on candle size, usually about 50% longer) naturally made by the bees (renewable) - no refining or byproducts needed to create it natural, bright yellow color natural honey fragrance
What is the burn time of your beeswax candles?Under normal conditions (indoor, draft-free, multiple lightings at various time intervals) you can expect the following burn times for each size: Tealights: 4 hours Votives: 12 hours 2x3 Pillar: 27 hours 3x3 Pillar: 50 hours Container candles: 50+ hours
Do you have physical store?Yes, we sell all of our products on our farm in Otsego, MI. During winter months, pick-up may also be available on our farm in Bowling Green, FL. Hours vary, so please contact us ahead of time to schedule an appointment. Visit our CONTACT page on how to get hold of us.
Do you sell your products wholesale?We are more than happy to talk to you about wholesale opportunities. Drop us a line and we can discuss!
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